1st day as a 2nd yr student. a stalelie.

school today was.....alrite. lolx.
and Farhan & Vicki couldn't stand my whininess.
but i have reasons:
tt's cos my comp carn go MSN again! and i was pissed cos i can't go online & i can't bump into the people i wanna bump.
and tt i had bread and mocha freeze for lunch (tt's $6+ bucks) and am still not full.during break, i told farhan i wanted waffles (i dunno how whiny is tt lOlx) if we wanted anything to eat and then spend another $2 on my fav yong tau foO after our lecture.
taffy didn't wanna go with wif me to co-op
and vicki was talking abt meeting friends.
in the end vicki went with me anyways (thanks!!!) & was soOn dozing off.
wasted trip to co-op again.
argh. the problem was just a check on tt tiny box under some settings & everything is solved. i feel like a comp. idiot lOlx.
frankie says my day is very happening & tt my life is so interesting. hahhas.
if he was weather, he'll be the sun & i'll be the puffy clouds with a dark tinge at times.
speaking of interesting, i hope this sem will be.
am astounded by the kind of modules i take this sem.
im like leaning towards the artsy side.
there's the Singapore Film mod (wow TS! not my style)
counter: ahem..it's a Singapore Studies module & SS is compulsory.
which isn't so bad..at least dey dun go into the technical details.
then i was reading my IVLE workbin.
clicked on my New Media mod & O.O for 3 secs.
Students with a creative, risk-taking and a multi-disciplinary mind are welcome. This course is difficult as it has a complex and new for most students theoretical component ("aesthetics", as well as "interactivity", among others), as well as a large portion is practical independet component." --> oOkie...
"You are welcome, especially if you are pro-active and outspoken, love arts and technology, as well as read a lot.
If you have a particular talent, let us know, and we will try to showcase it during lectures." --> ermmmm oOkkkieeeess...*this is getting weird*
"The Final Project will involve curating and documenting a show of a variety of artworks." --> !!! WAD. curating?!?! show?!? -_-'''
lOlx. all of a sudden it's nt NM but Museum & Art Appreciation.
at the end of this, people will conclude this is a whiny post.
alrite whatever. i'll just whine the night away~ lOlx.